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Sample Image Left-aligned local image; the original image is 600x600, but in the IMG tag the width and height are artificially set smaller to 186x186... some descriptive text... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed ut dui ac lacus egestas vehicula. Quisque faucibus, risus id consequat porta, orci ligula condimentum mi, ac commodo leo libero eget tortor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed ut dui ac lacus.

Sample Image This particular paragraph has embedded style="CLEAR: left", which is OK with this template's CSS layout but would be wrong in other CSS layouts, since the CLEAR can confuse general CSS layout. Right-aligned local image; the original is 600x600, but in the IMG tage the size is artificially set smaller to 186x186... some descriptive text... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed ut dui ac lacus egestas vehicula. Quisque faucibus, risus id consequat porta, orci ligula condimentum mi, ac commodo leo libero eget tortor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed ut dui ac lacus egestas vehicula. Quisque faucibus, risus id consequat porta, orci ligula condimentum mi, ac commodo leo libero eget tortor.


Sample Image This paragraph didn't need the embedded style="CLEAR: left". Left-aligned remote image includes some white space to the left and to the right of the image... some descriptive text... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed ut dui ac lacus egestas vehicula. Quisque faucibus, risus id consequat porta, orci ligula condimentum mi, ac commodo leo libero eget tortor.

Sample Image This paragraph needed the embedded style="CLEAR: left" so its text wouldn't run on after the previous image-paragraph pair. Right-aligned remote image also includes some white space to the left and right... some descriptive text...Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed ut dui ac lacus egestas vehicula. Quisque faucibus, risus id consequat porta, orci ligula condimentum mi, ac commodo leo libero eget tortor.

List Style

Elegant 50th Anniversary Thank You Cards - Vintage card This is a left-aligned remote image which links to a Zazzle product page. It uses similar HTML as the above examples, but this time the image is clickable and links to a Zazzle page. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to recognize SquirrelHugger's reference code.

50th Anniversary Party Invitations - Classic Ivory invitation This is a right-aligned remote image which links to a Zazzle product page. It uses similar HTML as the above examples, including the embedded style="CLEAR: left" to clear the previous image-paragraph pair, and again the image is clickable and links to a Zazzle page. It also doesn't recognize SquirrelHugger's reference code.

Elegant 50th Anniversary Thank You Cards - Vintage card This is a left-aligned remote image which links to a Zazzle product page. It uses similar HTML as the above examples, but this time the image is clickable and links to a Zazzle page. This paragraph has an embedded style="CLEAR: right" to clear the preceeding image-paragraph pair. I copied and pasted the proper codes so SquirrelHugger's reference code is recognized here.

50th Anniversary Party Invitations - Classic Ivory invitation This is a right-aligned remote image which links to a Zazzle product page. It uses similar HTML as the above examples, including the embedded style="CLEAR: left" to clear the previous image-paragraph pair, and again the image is clickable and links to a Zazzle page. I copied and pasted the proper codes so SquirrelHugger's reference code is recognized here.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed ut dui ac lacus egestas vehicula. Quisque faucibus, risus id consequat porta, orci ligula condimentum mi, ac commodo leo libero eget tortor.

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